Want to make each service as colorful as when God is creating the world? Have an idea of how each service or event look like? Join the team of artistic Christians on sharing their gift from the greatest artist of all. God.
Greet everyone with a smile because God is giving us a great day everyday. Share the love with your smile and make everyone glad that they are in the House of God. Join the team of joyful children of God on assisting people on finding their seats and distribute materials for every worship service.
The ministry who handles program presentation and operation of technical equipment. They make sure that everything is on perfect condition as we are worshiping the perfect God. Join us on making sure that every worship service, every soul winning experience and every church event starts and ends with a boom!
As instructed by Jesus, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." A ministry which train up children in the way they should go therefore even when they are old they will not depart from it. Join us on making the next generation a generation for God with people who had been given the gift of teaching and patience.
Being the body of Christ who worship Him in the Spirit and in truth. A ministry which lead us in psalms and hymns and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in our hearts. Join us on expressing our worship through songs of praise with the children of God who had given the gift of music.